Today I finished Cindy’s (playswithneedles) blocks. Cindy’s starter block is on the left.
She asked for wonky neighborhood blocks, not limiting us specifically to houses, but anything neighborhood-ish. You might be wondering where “the wonky” went in my blocks and to be honest I just don’t know…I thought it was there and some how it just isn’t.
I love Cindy’s theme…and it caused me to being to think about how it seems like the perfect representation of what this bee is for us all. We may not live in proximity to each other, but we are nonetheless creating a neighborhood across the globe. Daily we are sharing our lives, struggles, encouragement, laughter (yes, it is there in abundance), and bits of ourselves with the women in this group. We all lead different lives and yet we are knit together by our love of quilting…creating something with our hands to bring joy to another. I think this must have been what it was like before lives became so busy, when there were no computers and women sat around a loom at an old-fashioned quilting bee. They too shared bits and pieces of themselves as they created something both beautiful and serviceable.
It is a privilege to continue a modern version of a tradition that speaks to what I believe is our inherent need to create and connect with other women.
Thank you for expressing that so beautifully! It is so true!! {And your blocks are amazing!}