Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kaleidoscope block for Aurora Fair - Alex

OJRR Block for Aurora Fair - Alex

What a fun quilt this will be! I love the pattern and the size of the block.

OJRR Block for Aurora Fair - Alex with her starter block

Here is Alex's block and mine together.

OJRR Block for Aurora Fair - Alex with her starter block

You can get a feel for how the color will move around the quilt with this pattern.

OJRR Block for Aurora Fair - Alex

She said she likes red and purple. I like how she thinks!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The "3 Block Behind" Shuffle

Now, I love to dance...and sing...but I hate being behind in our sweet little bee. I am not anymore!!!

This first block I did is for Jen in our Quilting Journey Round Robin Bee. My inspiration block was the Antique Tile from Modify Tradition. I just added another strip of fabric to bring it up to 15.5", which is what she requested.

Quilting Journal Round Robin Bee - Jen

These bad boys are really big and the light in my room is not great, so they kind of hang off the table, but here is my block with Jen's starter block. They will be living happily in Canada.

Quilting Journal Round Robin Bee - Jen

Next comes the block for Krista. It was so hard to decide which way to go with this block, because I had an idea of what I was going to do from the pictures I had seen of others and what they had done, until I had hers and the others in my hot little hands! Then, I knew I had to rethink...and wait until I was actually "in" a fabric store to get some different fabrics. I decided on 3 fabrics and a star. Without even knowing it, I even ended up purchasing the same KF fabric she had in her block to use in mine. And the blue matches hers, as well...two *happy accidents*. 

Quilting Journal Round Robin Bee - Krista

The pattern for my block came from the Quilter's Cache website (a real treasure). Here are our blocks together.

Quilting Journal Round Robin Bee - Krista

The last block I did was for Mona W. This block and Jen's came together about 2 weeks ago. I thought I might not enjoy doing this block, because I love variety and Mona wanted a paintbox block (one color) ala "Oh, Fransson", one of my favorite blogs. I was so wrong. I love red and this block was so...satisfying to make. :)

Quilting Journal Round Robin Bee - Mona W

Here is my block with Mona's. :) It is fun to think of them living together in Germany!! 

Quilting Journal Round Robin Bee - Mona W

So, bring on the next blocks....and Christmas!!! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Making up for lost blog postings...

I'm behind on posting to our blog! I recently finished up blocks for Joan, Elizabeth and Cindy.

Joan designed the pattern below and sent some fabric along below is the progress on her quilt:

This is the block I created:

Cindy wanted everyone to create blocks for her quilt neighborhood. Here is the progress so far:

I looks so amazing in person. Some day I'm going to have to make a neighborhood quilt I think.

Here is the block I made for her quilt:

I thought our neighborhood needed a "local quilt shop". Where else are we going to get fabric??

I also finished up blocks for Elizabeth. Here is the progress of her quilt so far:

She sent along the bird fabric in the center of each block. Below is my block (right) and her starter block (left):

I am really enjoying this bee. I hear there are FOUR packages heading my way. I hope I can stay on top of them so more don't pile up.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cindy's Neighborhood

This is going to be such a fun quilt!

QJRR Playswithneedles1 Cindy's neighborhood

All the unique and interesting houses prompted me to give her some nature to add to the neighborhood.

Block for Cindy (playswithneedles1)

I really loved her started block and think the little park looks cute with it!!!

Cindy's Block with Mine

Friday, October 1, 2010

Block for Elizabeth

I was going to make a completely different block, but this one just sort of happened. It was incredibly fun to do!

Block for Elizabeth

Here is my block with Elizabeth's.

QJRR Bee Block for Elizabeth

What a sweet little flock of starlings!

Eliabeth's blocks

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jane´s Block

Today i have finished Jane´s Block - using 30´s fabrics! I have never used them before ... Jane has sent me some really nice fabrics in the beginning of this journey - and I was keeping all the time till I can use them!
There were so nice blocks already made by some of you (others will follow:) it was not easy to decide what to do ... I went along with a 8" paperpieced block with a little white border and all around some girly pink - lol
The start - one of four sections:

I really love it - bright, cheerful and a little girly,girly!!!
There are all Jane´s fabrics plus a little white from my stash and some little scraps I have received in my DQ9 swap package sended by smoochee (Leah) - perfect!
All together - this quilt will be so wonderful!!!
Thank you Jane for the experience with these fabrics! It will be definitly not my last ....

mona w - Monika

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bee Block for Victoria

Victoria of London, England asked for this versatile framed block with a six inch center.  She asked for applique or other embellishment, if we wished. 

I appliqued a sewing machine and tiny quilt in the center to symbolize this bee that has brought us together as friends.  Each one of the fabrics in the frame is a fabric that I have used in other blocks for this bee.  This gives Victoria's quilt a connection to all of the other quilts in the bee.  Her quilt is growing and is on the way to Southern California for it's next block.
I am glad these blocks went into the mail yesterday because Alex's block were waiting in the mailbox for me when I got home this afternoon!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I´m a little chaotic ...

The post I have posted was for MY blog ... SORRY!!
A new post about Janes block will come this week!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Above are the blocks that I made for Karie. Super quick and fun, fun, fun. Eventually this quilt will be put together for her child. I'm honored to be able to do this for her. She wanted us to use the fish fabric she sent and told us the colors were orange/blue/white. I just love the color combo. I had plenty of orange to choose from! Surprised? I had this great bubble fabric from a little fish quilt I made last year and it was just perfect.

Below are the blocks that have been made as of today. I love,love,love the appliqued blocks. They are so fun.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

 here is my latest installment in the our round robin journey. lisa requested that we make a block that represented where we are from.
although i was not raised on a farm, i do have ties to grandparents were farmers here in iowa.  we would visit them almost every weekend and during the summers us kids would each get to spend a week or two with them down on the farm.
the farm also is where i get most of my quilting heritage.....grandma was a quilter and she is the one that first got me interested in quilting......
 here is lisa's starter block......the skyscrappers of downtown chicago.......and a bit of the iowa country side.....
here are all of the other blocks in lisa quilting journey so is going to be an awesome quilt and each block will have a special story to tell.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Blocks for SARA

i am so late in getting this post added to the blog! 

i actually did this block over a month ago!

this i my block i made for sara!  i'm very happy with the final results and even happier that i FINALLY tried paper piecing!!

this is a shot of all the blocks together so far......

the package was sent on to jane for her to add her block....i've seen a picture of it and it is an awesome block!  it will go so nice with the others!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Melissa's Journey

This block is for Melissa. She requested any type of pinwheel block as long as it was 12" finished. She also sent along some Heather Bailey, Nicey Jane fabric and the owl fabric in the center which is Alice Kennedy. This block is my version of the pattern found here.

This is my block (right) with Melissa's starter block (left).

Below are all the blocks made so far for Melissa's journey.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

For Caliquilter - Joan

I loved making this colorful, geometric block for Joan.  She asked for brights and I love brights. I thought about making my fussy cut flowers actual appliques, but decided I liked them fussy cut for the size of the place they were in.

I love how our blocks look together. And then when you get the whole crew together...

This will be a stunning quilt!! :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Block for Monika

Monika chose a color explosion block (a la Oh, Fransson's paintbox quilt block).  Each block is a single color.  It is a beautiful, colorful quilt when finished.  Here is my block:
Here is my block with Monika's starter block:

 and here are the rest of the blocks together, so far:
This photo does not do these blocks justice.  They are really amazing in person.  Each one of them has something unique in it.  I think Monika is going to end up with a beautiful quilt.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Melissa's Blocks

Melissa requested pinwheels and I immediately thought of Hanies tutorial. I have long admired this block and this was the perfect time to try it! The photo does not do these colors justice.

Instead of a siggie block, she asks that we each make a mini pinwheel using our fabrics. You will notice a slight stain on one of my little white pieces. 

It is diet dr. pepper. However, it is now clean and freshly pressed, minus the stain...and winging it's way on the journey to Lisa. These are the lovies traveling with it.

What a fun quilt this will be!!! 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A block for Krista

I have finished my block for Krista.  I love the bright colors she used in her block as well as the beautiful fabrics Cindy N. and Elizabeth used in their blocks that accompanied Krista's.  Here is my block:

Here is Krista's starter block with mine:

And here are all of the blocks so far:

Looks like fun!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Block for Corey

here is the block i did for corey's quilt.  it was interesting to make a block using someone elses color story.  i found that i must not do too much with the sherbert colors....i struggled to find just the right fabrics in my stash......does that mean that i need to go shopping ! ? !  i think it might!!

the lime/green/yellow/pink dot is what was the inspriation fabric that corey picked.  i do love the color story that she picked.  it is very cool and refreshing!

above is corey's block on the left. debbie's block on the right and mine on the bottom. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cindy R's Journey

I was worried I wouldn't have colors to work with her block, but I had tons... guess I didn't know my stash very well. I really love the petal theme and I was going to make something with petals, but when I got the blocks and had my fabrics picked out I ended up going in a different direction. I liked the squareness of Vickie's block and I decided since there was already a square block that it would need friends in the quilt. I also added just a little red as Cindy mentioned it was her favorite color!
This is the progress so far. Cindy's starter block is the top left corner. It is shaping up to be a lovely quilt!